Gabs and Gio 24/7

Project 365- Week 1

This year I will attempt a Project 365 and take a photo a day of our daily lives.  Here we go…

Gio starts off 2012 with a bang! 1.1.12

Gabby blasts her way into 2012! 1.1.12

Gabby waits for salami at the Nugget 1.2.12

The kids fell asleep together in Gio’s bed.  1.3.12

John works on a crossword at Starbucks. 1.4.12

Gabby helps her dad rake leaves into the giant compost pit. 1.5.12

Master Shifu woke Gabby up this morning.  Luckily I could get a shot with the iPhone since I set an alarm on it and it was on the bed already.  I actually like the grain and it reminds me of a PS texture I’ve used before on a picture for effect. 1.6.12

This is a shot of Gio (number 7) during warm up for the first game of the season!  He is playing on the boys 5-6 year old West Sacramento Parks and Rec league.  John has decided to coach the team this season, and they are called the Thunder (after one of the NBA West Coast conference teams). 1.7.12

Swish.  Fun with lighting effects in Photoshop. 1.7.12

The kids were treated to a story from Grandpa today.  The Grands were in town to watch Gio’s bb game yesterday, celebrate my nieces and nephews birthdays, and watch all the grandkids so John and I could go see Mission Impossible last night.  Finally, a date night! 1.8.12

This entry was published on January 6, 2012 at 9:55 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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